.hu domain transfer requirements

If you want to transfer a Hungarian domain, you will need

  1. a filled out domain application form
    completed and signed domain application form (printed, signed after printing, then scanned)
  2. owner clarification document(s):
    • in case of company  – certificate of signing authority* and copy of the register**,
      *certificate of signing authority in Hungary = aláírási címpéldány. Every Hungarian company has their own, which clarifies the company owner’s signature
      **official document certifying the company registration. Electronic copy is also accepted if the official source url is included
    • in case of private individual  – declaration about personal ID.
      A private document with full probative value
  3. at least 2 name servers which meets .hu Registry’s requirements. You can check your name servers in Domain.hu ‘s Technical checking page.

Transfer takes 1-3 working days.

Please note: There is no AUTH code or EPP KEY for .hu domains. If your registrar asks for it, maybe you are working with wrong registrar.

.hu domain owner change:
– all transfer documents, qualified name servers + disclaiming declaration about the domain delegation (printed, signed after printing, then scanned) are required

.hu domain owner change is a manual process. The actual modification fee is available here. Please specify the domains and ask a quote .

Modification takes 1-3 working days. Results are displayed on the .Registry’s page.

Which document is required? When?

Domain application formDomain waiverAláírási címpéldány* from the resigning partyAláírási címpéldány* from the new/current ownerCompany documents**
when owner is a company and the owner changesYES, only the new ownerYESYES (if the resigning party is a Hungarian company , otherwise no)YES (if the new owner is a Hungarian company , otherwise no)YES –
from both parties, if applicable
when owner is a company and not changesYESnoN/AYES (if the current owner is a Hungarian company , otherwise no)YES
when owner is a person and the owner changesYES, only the new ownerYESnoYES (if the new owner is a Hungarian company , otherwise no)YES (if the new owner is a company, otherwise no)
when owner is a person and not changesYESnoN/AN/AN/A
*aláírási címpéldány (the copy of the signature) is a Hungarian authentication tool to prove the right to sign. If there is no corresponding document in your country, it is advisable to print the document on company paper and stamp it.
**a document from an authentic electronic source may also be suitable with a reference to the source.

Documents for .hu transfer. When is it essential?